Bistos BT-100 Hi-Bebe Plus Electric Breast Pump Price in Bangladesh

৳ 2,893

Wash your hwiths with make sure all parts of the breast pump are clean*
Find a private place where you feel relaxed with think about your baby as this will trigger the hormones that help release the breast milk*
Place the assembled breast shields on your breasts with hold the shields* Do not hold the attached bottles so
that you can adjust them as needed*
The suction can be damaging if the placement if off* Thus | make sure the shields are centered over the nipples*
Turn the machine on*
Milk will usually start to flow within two minutes* Vary the speed so that it’s inconsistent | similar to the sucking
motions of a baby*
Find a speed that is comfortable with efficient* Pumping should never be painful*
Continue thinking about your baby | listening to music | checking e & mail | or engaging in other distracting activities* For some women | staring at the bottles can actually impede milk flow*
Turn off the pump when milk flow has slowed down with about to finish*

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